Ash 4/4 1C

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Currently on the market, a lot of types of wood are used in construction and furniture. To help you understand better some of the specialized categories, firstly, we would like to give some information about the most common type of wood: Ash
The color of sapwood ranges from pale to almost white, the heartwood has various colors ranging from gray-brown to yellowish with brown stripes. In general, wood grain is straight and the wood surface is even. Ranking and reserves of ash with pale yellow sapwood and some other characteristics depend on each growing region. Ash has good ability of bearing machine, sticking screws, nails and good ability of sticking to glue. Ash is relatively dry and the risk of degradation during drying Shock resistance of ash is excellent, pliable wood is by steam.
Ash used to make furniture, flooring, wood carving and edge of luxury interior, doors, kitchen cupboards, inlay tiles, the handle of tools, sports equipment, ...
Thickness: 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 8/4

Quality: 1common, 2 Common, 3 Common

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